Monga wotsogola wotsogola wa ZigBee-based smart home devices and solutions , OWON amakhulupirira kuti monga "zinthu" zambiri zimagwirizanitsidwa ndi IoT, dongosolo la nyumba lanzeru lidzawonjezeka mtengo. Chikhulupirirochi chakulitsa chikhumbo chathu chopanga mitundu yopitilira 200 yazinthu zochokera ku ZigBee.
Makina anzeru akunyumba a OWON amaphimba:
- Kuwongolera kuyatsa
- Kuwongolera zida zapanyumba
- Chitetezo cha kunyumba
- Chisamaliro chaumoyo wa akulu
- IP kamera
Nyumba ya smrt ikhoza kukhala lingaliro lophatikizana, ndipo zofuna za makasitomala zimasiyana kwambiri pakati pa maola. Ndi ukatswiri wathu muukadaulo wa ZigBee komanso luso lamphamvu la R&D, titha kupereka mayankho pazosowa zosiyanasiyana za eni nyumba.
OWON releases one to two new products each month, providing innovative products to smart home applications worldwide. If your are interested in exploring the rapidly growing ZigBee-based smart home market, then OWON is your ideal partner. Please contact us at for further details. For more products
Nthawi yotumiza: Mar-24-2021